Rallying Humanity
We here at the LoDown strive to be as politically incorrect and as unbiasedly informed as possible. We want to issue an invitation to rally humanity forward as we walk cautiously towards an unknown future. What does it look like? How will we integrate with technology and advance our causes, help our planet, and become better humans? I for one, have always been a flawed vessel. A messenger at times broken by his own poor
Life as we know it
Some interesting times we live in right now to say the least. As a business owner, there is uncertainty regarding the shutdowns and the economy. How long will it last? Have we foraged enough away financially to carry us through? Can I keep my entire family safe and healthy throughout this public health crisis? This year has been nothing less than a surprise. Kobe Bryant unexpectedly dying. Given all of his accolades and accomplishments, so numerous
What Is Good
Welcome to What Is Good. A section of this blog dedicated to the legends and Titans of this world that are contributing to humanity whether it be in the form of technology, social justice, or humanitarianism on different levels. In the midst of chaos and turbulent times and a main stream media that tends to focus on ratings and shock value, we need more outlets covering the good that is going on right now more
The LoDown is a voice for humanity. A non partisan and honest look at our political systems, our country, both our shortcomings and where we are getting it right.
In the spirit of putting HUMANITY FIRST, we will encourage honest and civil discourse between different ideologies and beliefs. What’s best for Humanity is to rally together in this country to help us all move forward.
"Rallying Humanity is not just a desire for us, but our duty and our passion as citizens of this country, and more importantly this world."